Is Your Dog Limping or Been Diagnosed with A Torn Ligament?

Does your dog have hind limb lameness? Has your dog been diagnosed with a torn ligament?
Did you know that Bichon Frise, German Shepherds, Australian Shepherds, Retrievers, Newfoundlands, Rottweilers, Saint Bernards, Staffordshire Terriers, Mastiffs, Akitas, and Boxers are amongst the most common breeds to have a torn ACL?
ACL (Anterior Cruciate Ligament) is caused by progressive degeneration of the anterior cruciate ligament or can be the result of trauma.
To properly diagnose a dog with a torn ACL, a light sedation with pain reducing medication may be used to thoroughly complete a orthopedic exam of BOTH knees along with radiographs of the knees and hips. Advanced imaging such as MRI, CT, or arthroscopy is rarely needed.
If your dog has hind limb lameness, has been diagnosed with a torn ligament, or you suspect your dog of having a torn ligament, Friendly Animal Hospital offers minimal invasive MMP Surgery which provides for less surgical time, allowing for a shorter anesthesia, and a quicker recovery.
A 15-minute drive may help you save thousands of dollars!